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Suspect arrested for Charl Kinnear murder due in court today

Zane Killian was apprehended in Gauteng shortly after the detective was shot dead in front of his Bishop Lavis home more than two weeks ago.

Charl Kinnear. Picture: Kevin Brandt/EWN

CAPE TOWN – The man accused of tracking the cellphone of assassinated detective Charl Kinnear is back in court on Monday.

Zane Killian was apprehended in Gauteng shortly after Kinnear was shot dead in front of his Bishop Lavis home more than two weeks ago.

Kinnear was part of the Anti-Gang Unit and was tasked with investigating several cases linked to the criminal underworld. He was laid to rest over the weekend.

Those who worked closely with him said the South African Police Service (SAPS) was robbed as it lost one of the country’s finest detectives.

Police Minister Bheki Cele, who was at the funeral, said the loss was huge and no police officer was going to rest until they knew what happened to Kinnear.

“There is an extra pain that we feel here in this province. I bury police and I bury them with a clean heart and say that they were buried fighting criminality on behalf of the nation,” he said.

The sole accused in his murder was expected to appear in the Bishop Lavis Magistrates Court.

Killian was charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and the illegal interception of communication.

The man who shot Kinnear and those who ordered his killing were yet to be arrested.

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