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Choose your Outfit with these Different Forms of Aso Ebi

Nigeria is a nation blessed with diverse cultures. It’s a multi-ethnic society reputable for religious, cultural and modern lifestyle. Each culture is not without its distinct values. An essential aspect of citizens cultural lifestyle that keeps beaming is their organic fashion sense. The six mainstream ethnic groups in the country – Hausa, Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Efik – Ibibio and Edo have a fashion ego. In Yoruba land, Aso-Ebi, a uniform dress that often works as self-identification with individuals age group, friends and relatives, are commonly used for social occasions like wedding and burials.

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The uniform dress started gaining popularity around mid-twentieth century. In 1960s and 1970s, the social event uniforms were products of imported lace and George. Aside from its social values, many participants in fashion industry benefited from the economic cost associated with Aso-Ebi. For instance, dealers of imported and local textile materials recorded huge sales during the boom in demand for uniform social event dresses. In those days, Aso-Ebis’ were uniform for the affluents. Only the rich could afford the cost of its fabrics.

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Common types of Aso-Ebi fabrics include :

  1. Lace Aso-Ebi
  2. Ankara Aso-Ebi
  3. Atiku Aso-Ebi


This fabric is a distinctive Yoruba event attire mostly sold to individuals in yards. Often, organizers of the event get the material in bulk and sell it out to the guest in 6 or 12 yards. Common manufacturers patronized for this uniform dress include Da Viva, Hi-target among others. Having this colored pattern uniform makes your event distinct and memorable. Every event attendee looks attractive and exudes the confidence of oneness at the event center. It’s one of the best Aso-Ebi fabrics that mustn’t be underrated.


Lace Aso-Ebi works like a star at any party. Though it’s expensive, it usually gives an event attendee a gorgeous and delicate look. It’s one of the fancy wears outfits that signifies affluence, uniqueness and unity in a party. Types of lace often worn by people as uniform include tulle ,cord ,paper ,George and French laces. They give people glamorous look and a feeling of being modern, prosperous and classical. Lace Aso-ebi rocks well in Yoruba weddings. Both groom and brides relatives are always elated to pick a uniform for the event. The excitement of unification overrules any other emotions at such period and decision to buy the materials is prompt and quick.


Atiku Aso-Ebi is usually plain ,patterned or striped materials. Before its wide popularity, the material was common to Nigeria senators. Its fashionable attributes helped increased its demand for social events in Yorubaland. Today, friends and relatives of an event organizer often choose senator and Agbada style for rocking social events. It’s indeed one of the best outfits in traditional events. It’s mostly accepted by Youths.




It’s good to consider the following factors before choosing a specific type of Aso-ebi :

Ensure an Aso-Ebi package is affordable for all guests before choosing the fabrics

The fabrics are expected to be genuine and quality. Guest appreciates event organizers who offer them quality materials.

Make sure your fabric is not common, try as much as possible to select a unique material not some cloth you would find all over the street the next day.

Make sure your fabric design is cool and mature. Such designs have high level of patronage.







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