Members’ Council affirm commitment to reform at Cricket South Africa


Cricket South Africa’s Member’s Council, made up of provincial representatives, has committed to structural changes within the governing body.

The council held meetings with the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee in the last week and have also been privy to the infamous Fundudzi Forensic Report that saw Thabang Moroe sacked as CEO of CSA.

CSA members council commit to change

The council commissioned the forensic report, but none of its representatives could view the document without first signing a non-disclosure agreement. 

The group agree that drastic change is needed to place cricket in good standing and on the path away from disrepute.

“The Members’ Council of Cricket South Africa (CSA) met on Saturday and were taken through the summary of the Fundudzi Forensic Report. A frank and robust exchange of views took place amongst the Council members on the findings and recommendations. 

“Issues pertaining, amongst others, to governance failings, financial controls, use of step-in rights, media accreditation and transactions entered into by CSA were debated, and a plan was presented and adopted to take steps to implement the recommendations and to act against relevant parties.”

The last three CSA chief executives, Gerald Majola, Haroon Lorgat and Moroe have all been dismissed under a cloud after alleged financial mismanagement.

CSA’s Member’s Council agreed that this state of affairs should not be allowed to persist, not should this cycle be repeated in the future.

“In addition, the Members’ Council, the independent members of the Audit and Risk Committee and CSA’s legal counsel reflected on the root causes of the issues identified and commit to address the same to prevent reoccurrence,” the statement continues.

With Moroe accused of running CSA like his own personal fiefdom the biggest issue for the board and Member’s Council to address is the lack of accountability at exectuive level

“The Members’ Council agreed on the key principles of actions to improve the governance structure and the roles and responsibilities of the Members’ Council, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Management of CSA. 

“The Members’ Council resolved to hold the Board accountable for the implementation of the steps agreed upon, with a directive to deal with priority and material matters, before the CSA 2020 AGM.”

SASCOC have asked the CSA board to step aside but stopped short of placing the organisation under full administration.

Among the mooted changes to the structure of the CSA board are measures to ensure conflicts of interest and opportunities for corruption are limited. Protection Status


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