Features and rules of kickboxing


Do you want to sign up for a martial arts class, and you can’t decide which one to choose – kickboxing or Thai boxing? Then you will be familiar with what kickboxing is like in Thai boxing and what are the features of these fighting disciplines. By the way, in the Betwinner app, you can bet on this sport.  Irrespective of the similarity of these two different martial arts in terms of the equipment of athletes and technicians. It is impossible to forget about the importance and the importance of authority, as it is necessary to know, as you plan to seriously engage in wrestling, and I don’t know directly. Together we will figure out how kickboxing is introduced to Thai boxing – and for the cob it is important to understand.

The beginning of the sport was called “full-contact karate” (Full-contact karate or full-contact karate). In addition, the term “karate” can be used as a single combat, which includes karate itself, taekwondo or wushu. Soon, the functionaries of traditional karate began to protest and the name of martial arts had a chance to be replaced, having created and established a new term – “kickboxing”. 

The name “full-contact” in the new sport was saved and secured for one of the distributions of kickboxing. The first organization of professional kickboxing – PKA (Professional Karate Association) was founded in 1974. In fact, this day became the date of the birth of a new form of martial arts – kickboxing.


This variety of combat art gives the opportunity to supermen to work both upper and lower ends for an hour of sparring. For wrestling victorious, special equipment and mittens are required. Kickboxing simultaneously unites elements of various disciplines, such as:

  • boxing;
  • wushu;
  • karate.

The first part of the term “kickboxing”, and kick itself, is translated as “stusan”. The very essence of the martial art is captured in the name – here not only traditional percussion techniques with hands are victorious. But the legs are behind, so the arsenal of wrestling strikes significantly expands, which increases its ability in the ring.

We also recommend reading: Local kickboxing club holds first belt grading.

Thai boxing

Thai boxing, or Muay Thai, gives wrestlers the opportunity to spar in sparring not only the lower and upper points, but also the number of those sparring. The current interpretation of Muay Thai is characterized as leading a fight without a fight. In this style of martial arts, there are basic links, which are made up of decal strikes, and not rolls, like, for example, in karate.


Adventures of combat mystics

The first introduction of these disciplines is a century and a trip. Thai boxing appeared a thousand years ago in Thailand, at that hour, as kickboxing is considered equally young martial art – it appeared in Pivnichniy America in the sixty years of the twentieth century.

Combat technique

In Thai boxing, it is permissible to beat the techniques, with such blows to be applied with the hands, however, the stench is more important with additional, lower main ones. When it comes to kickboxing, the hands are much more important, because the main techniques of fighting are rich in why they are concentrated on punching hands.

Thai boxing wrestlers can hit the knee and the elbow for striking, which is categorically defended in kickboxing. Likewise, in kickboxing, in different techniques, it is more difficult to hit the foot, and in Thai boxing, the axis is less likely to stop in hi-kick. In Muay Thai, the rules do not defend against fighting, if in kickboxing after them the duel is interrupted.

What should you choose: kickboxing or Thai boxing?

Kickboxing is a hybrid and young martial art that unites the sprat directly. However, in kickboxing there are a lot of hard borders and rules. The origin of Thai boxing was a natural order. Yoga can be called one of the most effective and hardest contact martial arts, since there is little room for fighters. Strikes are allowed to be applied with upper and lower strokes, as well as knee strikes, strokes and robit collars.

Questions and answers

Can you learn kickboxing yourself?

Yes. But it is better to play with a coach.

Is there a bet on kickboxing?

Yes. They can be done on the Betwinner website.

Is it difficult to learn the rules of combat?

No. Everything is very simple.


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