Five Tips On How To Avoid Excessive Credit Spending This Festive Season

There has likely never been a festive season where South Africans have been this ready to kick back and relax following a challenging year. However, it’s important for consumers to exercise caution and manage their money effectively over this period. Lack of money management can lead to financial challenges in 2021. Emma Mer, CEO of FNB Loans […]

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New Survey Shows Staff Miss Colleagues, But Not Ready For Full-Time Return To Office

Love them or loathe them, social media memes offer an accurate reflection of where people’s feelings are at about any given topic of the time. And this certainly proved true in the case of working from home, or WFH as it’s become colloquially known in a pandemic life. By now, surely everyone’s seen the one […]

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Millennials Attracting Millennials To Invest In Cape Town’s Expensive Property Market

“We spend a lot of time educating our tenants and first-time buyers around what goes into buying a property, by explaining bond intricacies, and matching them up with the right originators or attorneys,” says Emanuel Germanis, founder and managing director of Evo Properties in Cape Town. “We do this with understanding, care and empathy, and […]

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Proposed SA Tax Change to Put Thousands of Low-Income Families at Financial Risk

National Treasury is proposing an alteration to the Income Tax Act that will remove the ability of thousands of low income South African families to receive tax exempt bursaries for their children. The families currently benefiting from this are majority black, low-income households and this alteration, should it go ahead, will severely impact thousands of […]

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Young African Change-Makers Tackling Joblessness In Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is a region of the world confronted with both high unemployment and underemployment, issues that prohibit the move from poverty into wealth. These factors are particularly prevalent among the subcontinent’s young people – in fact, according to The World Bank, 60% of all those unemployed on the continent are youths, and youth unemployment […]

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Common Wealth Planning Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

In his  poem “The Mistake”, James Fenton  talks about the sad truth in  making mistakes. He beautifully describes that even  with blatant warnings that are ignored or subtle hints that have gone unnoticed, we sometimes go about our lives not knowing about the mistakes we are making and how it will impact our loved ones […]

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Time To Get Your TERS Ducks In A Row – The UIF Announces A Forensic Audit

Last Friday, 27 November 2020, the UIF officially announced a forensic audit into TERS claims. The purpose of the audit is to verify the authenticity of TERS claims and to ensure that employees received the TERS benefits which were applied for by employers during the lockdown. The forensic audit is due to commence in the […]

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FNB Welcomes An Alert Issued By Regulators On Risks Of Instant EFT Payments

Consumers are urged to avoid sharing banking information when shopping on third-party platforms As South Africans prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, FNB is encouraging consumers to heed a caution issued by the SARB, PASA and the FSCA on the risks associated with instant EFT payments when shopping online. Instant EFT payments require the […]

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