The 8th Angel Fair Africa would feature an all female investors and entrepreneurs panel; thus building on our 2016 all female investors panel. The investors pane, consisting of Hannah Subayi, Partner of Dazzle Angels, Evelyne Dioh, CEO of WIC Capital, Lelemba Phiri, Partner of Enygma Ventures and Maya Famodu, CEO of Ingressive Capital, will be moderated by Salimatou Diallo, Partner of SD Avocats.

The entrepreneurs panel, consisting of Magatte Wade CEO of Skin to Skin, Jamila Zomah CEO of Africa Dish Out, Isseu Diop Sakho CEO of Mburu, and Sassoum Niang CMO of InTouch SA, will be moderated by Eva Sow, Director of i4Policy.
“The Africa investment and entrepreneurial ecosystem is maturing to the point where we have strong participation of women across the entire value chain. Our all-female panels are meant to showcase this important development” said Eric Osiakwan, Co-Founder of Angel Fair Africa. This year’s investors panelists are actually some of the most active investors during the pandemic. For example Maya Famodu closed her $10m Seed Fund during the pandemic. Lelemba Phiri, Evelyne Dioh and Hannah Subayi have all made significant investments during the period. Therefore their panel will focus on how they ensured these achievements, and the lessons to be learnt therefrom. The entrepreneurs panel, on the other hand, is made up of those who have defied the pandemic to grow their businesses. For example, Jamila Zomah whose Africa Dish Out saw 44% growth. Isseu Diop Sakho of Mburu who actually got money??? during the pandemic. They would be sharing these stories on their panel.

The lockdown in Africa during the pandemic, created a positive domino effect, where we saw mergers and acquisitions (M&A) picking up pace across the continent. Therefore we are replacing our Exit panel with an M&A panel, Here we have Endre Opdal, CEO of HotelOnline, Dare Okundjou, CEO of MSF Africa, Gregory Rockson and CEO of mPharma sharing their recent M&A activities. This panel will be moderated by Winnie Mwangi, a VC and Impact Investment Professional from Kenya.

These feed into our overall theme of exploring Lucy Quist’s Bold New Normal within the new normal of “doing deals in a virtual environment”, featured on 5th November 2020 on the platform. Being a thought leader, as well as the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer of Morgan Stanley, Lucy would open the day with her views on how Africa’s Bold New Normal would work within the World’s new normal.The format will be a fireside chat with Ian Ziddah, Partner of Chanzo Capital. Teresa Clarke, Chairman and CEO of will follow with a lunchtime keynote fireside chat on how she exemplified the bold new normal. She left Goldman Sachs in New York, relocated to Johannesburg, South Africa, and proceeded to build from the ground up into a media empire, which last year acquired iAfrica. The day will end with Musi Skosana of MSM Property Fund interviewing Tim Draper of Draper.VC on his bold new normal of investing globally from Silicon Valley into companies like Baidu, Tesla, Hotmail, Skype, etc which all redefined their industries.