Zane Kilian’s lawyer wants bail finalised as charge for failed Booth hit added


Thirty-nine-year-old Zane Kilian on Monday appeared in the Bellville Regional Court in relation to Kinnear’s fatal shooting outside his home in Bishop Lavis in September.

FILE: The lawyers representing the accused in the Charl Kinnear murder case arrive at the Bishop Lavis court on Friday, 25 September 2020. Picture: Shamiela Fisher/EWN

CAPE TOWN – The man accused of tracking murdered detective Charl Kinnear will now also be charged in connection with the attempted murder of prominent defence advocate, William Booth.

Thirty-nine-year-old Zane Kilian on Monday appeared in the Bellville Regional Court in relation to Kinnear’s fatal shooting outside his home in Bishop Lavis in September.

On Tuesday, Kilian is expected in the Cape Town Magistrates Court to face a charge of conspiracy to commit murder in connection with the failed hit on Booth at his Higgovale home in April.

Monday was Kilian’s fourth court appearance in court. He was arrested in Gauteng in September for his alleged involvement in the murder of the anti-gang unit detective.

He faces charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and the illegal interception of communication.

Kilian’s lawyer, attorney Eric Breyer, said that they would like to consolidate all the new charges.

“The two charges were in respect of William Booth for conspiracy to commit murder, and the other one is a fraud charge. Those were the two put forward to him yesterday, but they’re being admitted today,” Breyer said.

Breyer once again objected, saying that his client had been in custody for more than a month, and he called for bail proceedings to be finalised.

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