Secret To Wearing Florals Like a Celebrity


We know that florals are cherry and beautiful. We have seen women transform their floral fabrics into a gorgeous outfit. In truth, it does not have to cost you much to create a signature in with floral designs. A fashion mistake can mar the beauty of this fabric. In the same way, a perfect choice can make you beautiful. You should therefore be careful when picking your style.

Do not forget that what matches your floral outfit is important. In trying to pull off an awesome appearance with florals, you should learn a simple rule. You must not overdo your dressing. We have listed some rules you can abide in when rocking a floral outfit.

Keep Accessories at a Minimum.

When it comes to flora, less is more. This outfit does not compliment heavy accessories well. You should find a way to balance what you put on. Your accessories have to be less if you want to maintain a polished look.

 Do not forget that your accessories must align with what you wear. Since the floral outfit is on the shouting part, do not add excess colourful accessories to your dressing.

Mind the Type the Prints You Select.

If there is one rule that many people do not get right with floral, it is the print issue. You have to be careful with the type of print you select for your design. If the prints are large, it gives you a greater surface area impression. 

If you make use of the small area prints, the frame will appear smaller. You decide what you want to achieve with your floral print size. However, we recommend that you select florals with flowers that should not be bigger the size of your hand span. Find a fabric that has around three to five per flower.

This does not mean that this rule must be obeyed always. However, deviating from this rule would require special considerations. You can create a stunning signature with the smaller frame floral fabrics. Just like we said, find something that will look great on you.

floral designs | Africa | Momo Africa

Make use of One Print.

There is this temptation of trying to mix or blend different floral. If you are not experienced with floral or the adventurous type, stay away from this temptation. If you want something that will make you bold, go for things like a leather jacket with your floral.

However, for those who can blend different floral, we are jealous of you. However, try and use floral that would not compete with each other.

Floral is All Year Round

The beautiful thing about using a floral outfit is that they do not stay out of season. Every season is a season for a floral outfit. Find floral that will be appropriate for every season. You can use floral in many creative ways.

Are you thinking of look chic and irresistible with your outfit? A floral outfit can help you achieve it. Whether you are a male or female, floral got you covered. We have seen this fabric translated into different types of outfit for both genders.

You can use floral for your suits, gowns, and more. 

Whatever you want to achieve with floral, learn to stay on these few tips.


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