Sports betting laws in South Africa 2020

football, predicting games, 6 Things You Never Knew About Sports Betting Odds

Sports Betting has become an area where the Government of every country pay necessary attention to as it has a major impact to play in the nation’s economy.

Just like the rest of the world, South Africans have become one of the best participants when it comes to sports betting and the Government have ensured that some rules and guidelines govern sports betting.

Gambling within the border of South Africa is legal but there are some rules and regulations that have to be heeded to so as not to face the wrath of the Government or those associated with betting.

The National Gambling Amendment Bill was amended on the 20th July 2018 and has the following important changes you need to be aware of.

According to the drafted bill, which is available on the Department of Trade and Industry’s website, some of the biggest changes include:

Gambling Laws in South Africa – Draft Bill

Re-positioning the National Gambling Board to be a National Gambling Regulator;

Transferring the regulation of all bets on the national lottery, foreign lottery, lottery results and sports pools to a National Lotteries Commission.

Prohibiting dog racing and bets on dog racing in South Africa.

Strengthening the regulation of casinos, limited pay-out machines and bingo. This includes the regulation of electronic forms of bingo and the maximum number of bingo licenses and machines that can be granted in South Africa.

Restrictions on gambling premises and locations of automated tellers – including ‘separate’ and ‘hidden’ entrances for gambling areas located inside general public places such as shopping malls, arcades, complexes or centres.

Recognition of a self-regulating body in the horse racing industry;

Providing for broad-based black economic empowerment in the gambling industry. Notably, this will apply to individuals applying for gambling licences.

Unlawful winnings will now be forfeited to the National Gambling Regulator.

Imposing gambling advertising restrictions.


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