Thabang Moroe: CSA release damning findings against former chief


Cricket South Africa (CSA) has made public a number of allegations levelled against its former chief executive Thabang Moroe. These were revealed through the release of a summary of the Fundudzi Report, compiled by law firm Bowman’s.

The organisation dismissed Moroe in August after suspending him for close to a year. He is accused of being a key player in driving CSA into crisis through maladministration and gross financial mismanagement.

Damning findings against Thabang Moroe

On Monday, the forensic audit report was released, following pressure from all corners, including government and the public.

According to the report, Moroe failed to follow procurement procedures in appointing a service provider. This resulted in CSA coughing up over R3 million towards the company, which could not be named in the report, without following due process.

This, according to the report is enough to warrant a criminal case against the former cricket chief.

“(The) register a criminal case in terms of Section 34 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004‚ followed by the obtaining of legal advice regarding the desirability to institute legal action to recover funds paid to ‘Service Provider X’ in view of no evidence of delivery of services.”

Moroe is also accused of credit card misuse, with an eye-watering amount spent on the purchase of alcohol.

Between himself and axed chief operations officer Naasei Appiah, a total of R266 203.30 was spent on liquor.

“There appears to be excessive or irregular expenditure on alcohol by some of the CSA employees including Appiah and Moroe,” the summary report reads.

“Fundudzi confirmed transactions relating to the purchase of alcohol totalling R201 372.80 and R64 830.50 for Appiah and Moroe respectively.

“Clothing items purchased from New Balance to the value of R207 128‚ 70 were not purchased through the standard procurement process as provided for in the paragraph 3.1.2 of the CSA Procurement Policy.”

The Fundudzi Reports also recommended that disciplinary action be taken against Moroe for failing to ensure that CSA has an approved credit card policy.

Moroe was placed under six-month suspension in December 2019, and later relieved of his duties, following the investigation.


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