Earth Day 2021: Celebrations Around The World


The theme of the annual Earth Day celebrations in 2021 is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Celebrated on April 22 every year, Earth Day became a global event set aside to pledge support for environmental protection.

The 2021 Earth Day celebrations is the 51st year since the Earth Day was birthed.

However, in 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 as ‘International Mother Earth Day’.

History of Earth Day 

Earth Day was first celebrated on March 21, 1970. It was the first day of spring that year. It was proposed by John McConnell, a newspaper publisher who proposed the idea at a UNESCO Conference on the Environment the year before. He suggested that the holiday be celebrated every year as a reminder of everyone’s responsibility to help protect the environment.

In 1971, the then United Nations Secretary-General signed a proclamation written by McConnell that the United Nations would celebrate this holiday each year on the first day of spring.

Another environmental activist and United States Senator, Gaylord Nelson organized an event on April 22, 1970, to show other politicians the wide support for environmental issues. The event turned out successful and led to Earth Day celebrations across thousands of colleges, universities, schools, and communities, making it the second Earth Day celebration.

Earth Day Celebrations Around the World

Earth Day is celebrated around the world in different ways. The common theme, however, is creating awareness and educating people about preserving our resources. Here are some of the Earth Day celebrations:

United States

In the United States, Earth Day celebrations have included rallies and teachings. In Washington, D.C, scientists and civic organizers provide training sessions and others encourage marches. New York has had pop-up shops that feature companies that support sustainability. Many other cities establish separate, local events.


Denmark celebrates Earth Day United at the Christiansborg Castle Square in Copenhagen, which includes a celebration of drum-playing pointed at the four corners of the world. The group then participates in the March for Science, which is a march that seeks to hold the elected officials accountable for greener initiatives.


Tokyo celebrates an annual two-day celebration of Earth Day in Yoyogi Park where approximately 100,000 visitors are expected to participate in family activities and learn about companies that encourage sustainability.

Great Britain

London features an Earth Day celebration, sponsored by a group of activists and musicians. The event raises funds for British charities and groups fighting climate change.


Granada, Spain holds a 24-hour Global Unity and Regeneration Gathering, which includes presentations and workshops on helping the environment.


India has a variety of Earth Day activities. Participants are encouraged to dress in green. Also, the country puts on events that focus exclusively on protecting the Asian elephant, an endangered species.


The International School of Geneva hosts a green sale in which they raise funds to plant trees on school grounds throughout the area. At this event, they play recycling games and supply environmentally-friendly arts and crafts.


Several cities throughout Canada, including Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa and Amherst participate in educational talks, activities and parades.


Sydney hosts four different nature walks with experts, bike giveaways and storytelling.


The Philippines features marathons as part of Earth Day Celebrations, which include 5K, 10K, 21K and 42K options.

South Africa

South Africa hosts Earth Expo, which presents educational forums on sustainable nutrition, technology, entrepreneurship, and fashion.


Gutta-Club in Chisinӑu hosts Earth Day activities in 30 villages, including tree planting, clean-ups and building nesting boxes for birds

Importance of Celebrating Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day helps us in understanding major environmental issues. It also helps to ensure that you are part of this global mission. As a result, celebrations focus on thinking globally and acting locally, such as planting trees, cleaning up water sources or helping in a community garden.

For a successful Earth Day celebration, it is important to spread awareness. Translating flyers and educational materials can help further expand the reach of your event. To find out how you can be part of this important celebration, search for Earth Day celebrations near you.



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