Mortgage Referrals in Hong Kong



The dream of having a new thing, be it technology or any personal use, requires payment. This cost of paying the bills if exceeds the income people generally go for a loan or mortgage. As the name implies, a mortgage is a loan obtained for buying or maintaining real estate, such as a house, land, or building. The Payments of interest and the principal amount is in the form of regular installment. The lender agrees to accept payments from the borrower. As an assurance, the property is a security for the loan. To become a mortgage applicant, the borrower must accomplish several criteria, along with a minimum credit score and down payment. They should apply with their preferred lender.


The mortgage needs careful planning as the same is repayment is a hectic task. The default can lead to consequences that might not be in our favor. So, it is better to go for the banks or mortgage who are flexible and meet our needs, and is within our pockets.


Rules: Guidelines for the borrowers

An individual who is applying for a mortgage should keep these simple steps in mind:

  1. Defining your Need: The real reason for taking the mortgage needs to clarify to check the best plan. The companies provide the best rate if they know the customer is willing and able to pay the interest.
  2. Valuation of Property: The property location and valuation are crucial if the need is urgent. The location of the property decides how much money you can receive against the mortgage.
  3. Evaluating the offers: The business of mortgages lending is present in every location of hong kong. There are a plethora of companies in Hong Kong that provide these services. An individual needs to select from the best.
  4. Documentation: The documentation process can be tedious. So, the individual needs to keep the documents in the perfect order. So, when the need occurs, they can provide it to the lender.
  5. Payment: The payment should plan for the interest to avoid any confusion. If you fail to pay the interest levied, the charges can be heavy. So, your finances need to be in place.



The referrals: A guide for planning your investment 

As a borrower, if you are thinking about which mortgage is the best or suits your requirements. In this article, we will share some details about the best mortgage referral available in Hong Kong.


28 Mortgage Company Limited:

Customers who apply for mortgages in the market are typically required to fill out a mortgage referral form. But in 28 Mortgage, things are different from the tradition. Just call us, or WhatsApp us, the loan amount, the mortgage ratio, whether you have a new property or an old property, they will immediately tell you which bank is best for you. Providing free mortgage referrals helps clients compare prices, find the best rates, highest rebates, and get approvable quickly and easily. The services provided by the bank are unique and are suitable for the lenders.



Prime Mortgage

Prime Mortgage belongs to Wing Fung Financial Group. The company is a Hong Kong-registered and is approved credit company having a diversified portfolio of loan services. It extends them to a range of customers including, property mortgages, second mortgages, private loans for owners, working and self-employed people, and small and medium-sized enterprises.

No stress, No attorney fees, no handling fees, no appraisal fees, and also you can extend the loan term to 30 years. Within 30 minutes, approval and you can loan withdrawal very next day.


Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC)

The HKMC formation came into existence for a purpose. It supported the debt market development locally, bank stability, increased homeownership, and retirement planning. Despite operating under sound business principles, the Corporation adheres to high standards of corporate governance to increase accountability, transparency, and long-term sustainability.

An experimental pilot program offered to the people by Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Lt.for loans with fixed rates, in between ten and twenty years. In this way, homebuyers will be able to mitigate their risks for rate volatility, which will enhance the long-term stability of banks. As part of the Mortgage Insurance Programme, you can choose to buy or avoid mortgage insurance for these mortgage loans.


Lendela Limited:

The Mortgage Referrals process needs to be simplified, more efficient, more transparent, and less time-consuming so you can concentrate more on the crucial things in your life. The free service Lendela makes finding a personal loan in Hong Kong easy and fast. Just complete an online application form to obtain mortgage offers from several banks and licensed lenders in a few minutes. As a result, your saving is not only significant amounts of time, plus you can also ensure that you are taking advantage of the favorable terms and conditions.



Even if you are a property investor or a first-time homebuyer, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) will help you make your dream come true. Great offer for flexible financing options with separate mortgage and saving accounts. Perfect! You can take benefits of both the world.




If you don’t want to entangle on filling up forms and all, then 28 Mortgage is the best for you. And if you make up your mind to buy the house the next day and the amount should reflect at the same time in your account, then Prime Mortgage suits you. Above all these, some want security and stability for the mortgage, then not to forget HKMC is standing behind you. And in this digital world, our life is so fast that we need the mortgage at the same pace, then no need to worry Lendela is here for you.


The purchase of a home represents an investment for life and needs serious planning. In the same manner, a mortgage is to serve our purpose in the long term. So, browse all of them, compare them, and choose the suitable to live a peaceful life free from day-to-day hassles.


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