8 Fabulous Ankara Styles That You Can Make With Two Yards


The cost of Ankara material seem to be on the as it has become has become more acceptable by many. In case you can’t afford some expensive a full bundle of Ankara material and you still want to slay, there’s nothing to worry about.

Today’s post provide fabulous styles you can make with two yards and still slay your Ankara outfit effortlessly. If you such pieces at home, here 7 styles that can be made of that two yards in your closet.

ALSO READ: 12 Styles That You Can Make With Your One Yard Ankara Material

1. Sleeveless short gown for your weekend hangouts

2. Half off-shoulder pencil gown for your weekend owambe

3. Off shoulder, knee Length styles for a modest look

4. Yes! Skirt and an off shoulder crop top for your parties

5. You can add sleeves from other fashionable materials asides Ankara  to suit your office wears

6. You can rock an heart shape surface pencil gown for any occasion and still fabulous

7. A collar A shaped short gown for hangouts

8. You can’t go wrong with ankara pant


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