How To Stay Healthy During Travels (Post Pandemic)


No doubt the Coronavirus pandemic has altered many things about normal activities. But life must go on regardless of this. And to bid goodbye to travel is almost impossible.

Hence, the need to adapt to the new situation that the global pandemic has created. It is possible to stay healthy during travel after the travel restrictions have been lifted.

All you’ll need to do is follow some necessary tips. Here they are.

Wash your hands and use alcohol-based hand sanitisers

Hand sanitisers with at least 60% alcohol should be your travel companion. It is one of the safest and easiest ways to reduce being at risk of illness. You will also need to make it a habit to frequently wash your hands with running water and soap for at least twenty minutes. It is in the absence of soap and water that hand sanitisers are used.

Avoid touching your face

This is one of the most important ways to stay healthy during travel. The virus has not been fully combated yet and this means that you may come in contact with surfaces that have been touched by someone else. So, touching your face may put you at risk because the virus usually affects the mucous membranes around your mouth, nose, and eyes. It is okay to wear sunglasses to keep yourself in check from touching your face.

Research about the medical services in the country you are travelling to

This is a very good way to ensure that your health is secured. The country that you are travelling to must have adequate medical services for both natives and visitors. Make sure that you are fully aware of this before taking the next step.

Ensure your immune system is strong

Your immune system needs to be very strong as you travel. You can simply achieve this by eating fruits and vegetables, getting enough sleep, and constant exercising.

Avoid travelling when sick

No, this does not necessarily have to do with COVID-19 – it’s any sickness at all. You can postpone the travel till when you feel better.

Maintain social distancing

Staying healthy during post-pandemic travel also involves maintaining social distancing. While trying to get back to the outdoor activities that made vacations exciting pre-pandemic such as hiking tours, kayaking, and paddle-boarding, it is important to understand that the state of things demands more caution now than ever before. Be careful of how you come in contact with different people and maintain a safe distance that does not put you at risk.

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