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Stock brokers play a vital role in the stock market as it provides accessibility for individuals to trade or invest in stocks. There are many different kinds of brokers, such as full-service brokerages, discount brokerages and self-directed brokerages. A...
Planning is the foundation of success. And your personal finances do not make an exception. Regardless of where you live, in Nigeria or Vietnam, you need to manage financial planning to improve your standing. Here are the basic tips...
If you’ve had to deal with unexpectedly high energy bills during winter in the past, you are probably getting wary as the next cold season approaches. And if you don’t put some effort into addressing those underlying problems and...
What makes a home feel cosy, comfortable, and inviting during the cold winter months? Warmth would be on top of that list, of course, along with a few other things that we will discuss next. Indoor Heating Once temperatures start hovering...
You will hardly find anyone around the country who doesn't appreciate a good deal. Be it on a service, product or elsewhere, South African citizens from Cape Town to Calitzdorp and back are generally shoo-ins for bargains. It's our thrifty...
Introduction:  The dream of having a new thing, be it technology or any personal use, requires payment. This cost of paying the bills if exceeds the income people generally go for a loan or mortgage. As the name implies, a...
Huawei is the world leader company associated with the best smartphone and its applications management. The equipment related to industry leadings, developing countries and specifications of connecting development improves the famous brand Huawei. Huawei is working on a wide...
Huawei earbuds are tiny speakers used to restrict the annoying surrounding noise. Good quality sound and better standard features are available in these earbuds. People use this earbud during the walk and traveling for their best time consumption. Huawei...
Gambling is becoming a favorite pastime for more and more Nigerians, with 36% of recent study participants having a gambling experience. Further, about 60 million Nigerians aged 18-40 actively wager, spending ₦3,000 ($7.3) daily on average. Therefore, there is...
  If you have been denied credit from an authorised and regulated loan provider, you may be considering using a loan shark. But community loan sharks can have a nasty bite… What is a community loan shark? A loan shark is someone...